Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just Like That...

Ten years of friendship blown apart. Two kids dead. Sex with a fourteen year old boy.
The ending of this story is anything but closing. As Hanna arrives at Will's Dad's meeting, as a congressman Mark has several meetings a week. Their she sees a mysterious older women, clearly flustered about something. When she meets up with Will's sisters Aerin and Beth at the meeting she encounters Will for the first time since the drama between him and her went down, awkward to say the least. Hanna decides to go out with Will's sisters for a night of dancing at a club just out of town to listen to a new band that has come highly recommended by Aerin. As the three girls sit and sip their drinks three guys approach. Aerin accepts an alias, hoping nobody will recognize the troubled rock star. She was an icon in the music world, until after her and her band hit the top of the ratings and a drunken mistake and a split second leave her the only survivor and also the one at fault. The girls dance all night with the guys as the center of attention on the dance floor but all Hanna has on her mind is that older woman she saw at Mark's meeting earlier that day. She asked the girls about their grandmother only to find she is supposedly dead. This causes Hanna tor reflect on her own family, a mere two people, and how her Grandmother had walked out on her mother when she was only three years old. When Hanna got home she looked at the only three picture she had of her Grandmother. She researched her all night to find she was living somewhere in Spain. This was good news and Hanna promptly sent a letter to her hoping for a response. Hanna had fallen in love that night, in love with another family...

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