Thursday, February 23, 2012

Interpretive Response

Facebok Parenting is a post by an average father, dressed like a cowboy and clearly out in the country, this Chuck Norris look alike is a very angry man. There is a simple setting that really underscores the angered disappointment in his style and tone in the way he explains his situation. As he smokes a cigarette the author speaks angrily. He has a wooden chair set up in the middle of a field, something you wouldn't be surprised to see on a beach or relaxing porch; rather it sits lonely in the midst of dead grass and a far off highway with trucks and cars rushing by is the only background sound. The effects of the setting really give you a sense of an unhappy narrator, not to mention the grey and cloudy day really gives the post a foreshadowing effect.
This is an 8 minute video really worth watching, he goes on a rant about Facebook. Not only Facebook but his daughter that has really pushed his buttons. The anger in this man's voice is soon defined when he explains as to why he is making the video. This father's purpose is to embarrass his daughter that has disappointed him to the breaking point. She had not only made a public post on Facebook about how much she hates her daily responsibilities, parents, etc. but she had done it twice. The plot really turns when he explains she had asked him to fix her laptop. He had put timeless hours and $140 in her new software only to find this Facebook post. The stupidity of his daughter is emphasized when we learn her father is an IT guy, computers are his life. Her immaturity is brought out when he reads off some of the complaints, like doing her laundry, making her bed, and sweeping the floors. This father is outraged by his daughters behavior and the humiliation she has brought him. When she did it the first time she was grounded, this punishment would be different. This time her father's extreme side was shown as he took out his 45 pistol and shot her laptop seven times, the end is short with a simple "Have a good day Y'all" from the father, an unexpected joyful end to such an angry post.

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