Monday, February 20, 2012

Short list #3

This is a YouTube post my mom showed me...
A video recently uploaded to YouTube really shows the affect of Facebook and parenting. Not only did this girl dis on her parents on Facebook but she will learn to regret that decision. As an IT guy, this dad found a post on Facebook while fixing his daughters laptop, not only was she being incredibly disrespectful but she had done it before. This father describes his intense disappointment and acknowledges all of his daughters complaints including her chores, homework, and all the hard work she does. He has one solution for this problem, he will not only take away her Facebook, phone, and laptop but he grounds her, makes her pay for the new software he put on her computer, and shoots the laptop 7 times with his 45...good punishment if you ask me, she will probably learn to quit taking things for granted!

In this collection of photos, Will Adler, creates a connection to the most unconnected objects. You wouldn't think anything could be similar between a donkey and a child but in the photographs presented in his collection, even the most unruly eye can see it. The way he makes the connection is not through color or what is in the picture but instead its presence and shape. Will Adler uses 11 photos and two by two the last one seems to connect to the first one is some sort of way and with their being an odd number of photos it seems to be a never ending circle of pictures, the most recent being related to the last some how. The pictures are simple yet so much is shown with in them.


In this collection of photos the clean and crisp pictures show a difference in similarity. As in the picture above there is an active look to the ice cream, a not so healthy food. The picture with the apple, however, has a sloppy slob look to a seemingly healthy food. Polar opposites to what the picture shows and what the picture is showing with the action of the person.

1 comment:

  1. your username uses the wrong form of "then" it should be "than". but solid ideas in the post! just try to come up with things we haven't seen in class. x
